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Preschool, Pre-Kindergarten & Summer Programs
Little Folks Day School – Woburn, MA

400 West Cummings Park, Ste 1150, Woburn MA 01801

November 2018 Newsletter


The Veteran’s Day holiday is celebrated this year on Monday, November 12th.   Little Folks will be closed  on Monday, November 12th.

Little Folks will be closed on Thursday and Friday, November 22nd and 23rd for Thanksgiving.  Have a wonderful holiday!

Fund-Raiser – Uncle Jerry’s T’s

Please return all orders by Friday, November 16th.  We will be using the funds raised for playground equipment and enrichment programs.  Our appreciation is extended to all who participate!

Field Trip – Smolak Farm

We enjoyed a wonderful field trip to Smolak Farm where all of the children chose a pumpkin from the pumpkin patch to take home!  We went on a hay ride in a wagon, had a snack of cider and donuts in the barn, and visited the farm animals.  Thank you very much to all of our chaperones –Bianca’s mom, Connor & Caden’s mom, Alexa’s mom, Elena’s mom, Maxx’s grandmother, Vivian’s au pair, and Dylan’s dad.

Halloween Parties

The Halloween parties were a lot of fun!  Everyone had such terrific costumes.  Thank you to all who sent in treats for the parties.  Pictures of our parties will soon be hanging up in the classrooms.

School Pictures

School pictures were taken on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday, October 23rdand 24th.  School pictures will be sent home as soon as they are received. We are expecting them soon.

Boxtops For Education

We will continue to collect the “Boxtops For Education” labels from specially designated items throughout the school year.  Keep those Boxtops For Educationcoming!!

Tuition Reminder

Little Folks Day School relies on the timely payment of tuition.  Tuition is due in advance.  Bills are sent home at the end of each month on the Monday or Tuesday prior to the day on which the tuition is due.  Please send tuition in on Thursday or Friday of that week so that we can begin clear on the following Monday.  There is a $5.00 per day bookkeeping charge for tuition paid later than 9 AM, Monday of the week for which it is due.


A two week deposit is required of all students.  At this point in time, all deposits should have been paid in full.  If you still have an outstanding balance of your deposit please make the payment immediately.  All future payments will be applied toward the deposit balance until it is paid in full.

Medicine/ Flu Update

As the cold and flu season is approaching, parents are reminded to use discretion when sending a child to school with a cold, headache, cough, runny nose, etc.  If your child comes down with a fever, they must stay at home until they have had no fever for at least 24 hours without medication.  A sick child will expose others, and certainly will not benefit from a group situation.  Your child will be sent home if any symptoms of illness appear during the school day.  If a child is sent home from school, he/she must stay at home the following day so that they have time to properly recover.

Teachers can only distribute medication which has been authorized by a doctor for a specific child.  The prescription bottle can serve as the doctor’s authorization.  Over-the-counter medication can only be given with the written permission of both the parent and the doctor.    In order for teachers to administer medication, the parent must fill out an authorization form in the school office.  Any child who is taking an antibiotic must be on the antibiotic for at least 24 hours before returning to school.  The only exception would be a child who has an ear infection, an infected wound, or something else which is not contagious.  In this case, if the child is returning to school less than 24 hours after receiving the antibiotic, he/she must have a doctor’s note stating the purpose of the antibiotic and the fact that the child is not contagious to others.

Pre- Kindergarten – Mrs. Donaghey , Mrs. Holland and Ms. Sarah

Where did the month of October go?  The children put their hands to work getting our room ready for Halloween.  We had black cats, Frankensteins, ghosts, bats and candy corn hanging on our walls.  There were spiders spinning their webs.  The children used their creativity to decorate their jack-o-lanterns.  Our room looked REALLY SPOOKY!!  The children had an interactive story-time with the book, The Little Old Lady Who Was Not Afraid Of Anything.  Did they tell you the story?

We had a great time at our Halloween Parties.  The children were so excited to show off their costumes.  We danced to some Halloween music and had quite a few laughs reading Froggy’s Halloween.  Thank you to all the parents who sent in goodies for our parties.

The class learned about how a pumpkin grows.  They put together booklets showing each step of the process.  Here are a couple of questions you can ask your child:  What are the three main things a pumpkin needs to grow? (water, air, sun).  What is the color the pumpkin turns after it is green? (yellow)

Some of the books we read this month were:  From Seed to Pumpkin, Go Away, Big Green Monster, The Spooky Wheels on the Bus; and Midnight Fright.

For the month of November we will learn about the First Thanksgiving.  We will be making our own cranberry sauce and butter, which we will have at our Thanksgiving Feast on Tuesday, November 20th and Wednesday, November 21st.

Academics for the month will be:

Shape – Square     Color – Blue        Number – 4         Letters – Ff, Gg, and Hh.

Art Projects:  Turkeys, Indian Corn, Sunflowers, Cornucopia, and Native American Tepee.


Preschool –  Ms. Stephanie, Mrs. Lilley and Ms. Angelee

Goodbye October!  Hello November!  We filled our room with all of the spooky decorations we made.  We made sunflowers, candy corn, leaves, ghosts, bats, jack-o-lanterns, monster feet, and big green monsters.  We learned the letters “Bb” for Bus,“Ff” for Frankenstein, and “Ss” for spider.   We have been working on recognizing our shapes and colors.  Everyone had a fabulous, spooky time at our Halloween Parties.  Everyone looked great!   Thank you so much to everyone who brought in all those delicious goodies!  The children had so much fun playing the game:

Who Is In The Haunted House?

November is here and we are getting ready to talk about special things like being thankful, our family and Thanksgiving.  The color for November is blue and the shape is the square.  We are excited to learn new songs and poems this month.  We will be learning all about Thanksgiving and why we celebrate it.


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